Globeville and Elyria Swansea Tolling Equity Program
The GES Tolling Equity Program provides a free switchable transponder and Express Lanes credit, as well as free RTD transit passes, for low-income residents of Globeville and Elyria Swansea (GES).
You must close your current ExpressToll account and/or make sure you have no current toll balance in order to register for the program. Please call ExpressToll at 303-537-3470 to close your ExpressToll account and/or visit to pay your tolls (and/or fees) before you apply. Failure to do so will result in your application being rejected until these things are resolved. Any questions, please reach out to Lacey at
What do I need?
In order to apply, you must live in Globeville, Elyria, or Swansea (80216). Your vehicle may be registered to an address outside of 80216, as long as you can prove residency in 80216. Your annual household income must be 100% or below of the Area Median Income (AMI).
The dollar amounts in the following table show the maximum annual household income level you may have and still qualify for the Program:
Make sure your vehicle is not on an existing ExpressToll account. To remove your vehicle from an ExpressToll account, contact the ExpressToll Service Center at (303) 537-3470 or (888) 946-3470 to speak to a customer service representative. Resolve any outstanding License Plate Toll balance associated with your vehicle by contacting the ExpressToll Service Center.
You must bring the following documents when you sign up!
1. Proof of Residency in Globeville, Elyria, or Swansea — bring one of these:
• driver license / Colorado ID / US passport
• bill with name and address on it
• tax returns
• lease agreement
2. Vehicle Registration — bring this:
• car registration
3. Income Qualification Paperwork (annual household income ≤ 100% of the AMI, e.g. less than $70,000 for a family of 4) — bring one of these:
• Medicaid
• SNAP Benefits
• LEAP Program
• Free and Reduced School Lunch Program
• tax returns
• one month of pay stubs for all earning household members
• other (please reach out to get prior approval if you have another document you'd like to use)
You can apply for the program by filling out this application form.
What if I can’t fill out the online form or I have questions?
Please contact Lacey at or (720) 773-4696