Here at Northeast Transportation Connections, we believe that using a bicycle as a commuting option is a great choice for so many reasons.
For one, you reduce your carbon footprint, doing your part to decrease the number of cars on the road. This creates less congestion, less wear on the road system, and improves our air quality here in Denver.
Biking also improves your health by keeping you from sitting in stressful traffic (shown by studies to have significant negative physical and mental effects), instead burning calories, losing weight, and working out your body.
In addition, biking can save you a substantial amount of money: bikes are significantly less expensive to own and maintain than a car, making them a great option for almost anyone.
You also get a chance to slow down and take in your surroundings, reconnecting to your neighborhood, your community, and the natural beauty of Colorado.
City of Denver E-bike Rebates
If you’re thinking of buying an e-bike, the City of Denver is offering instant rebates through participating bike shops.
We encourage anyone who might be interested in an e-bike to ask questions and test out a few models before applying for a voucher.
To apply or get more info, click here.
State of Colorado E-Bike Rebates
The Colorado Energy Office is also offering e-bike rebates.
To apply or get more info, click here.
The NETC E-Bike Libraries
Want a great way to get some healthy outdoor exercise while doing your part to keep your community on the right path to a greener future? Check out a bicycle from our Bike Libraries! Take it for a spin, then share the exhilarating "re-cycling" idea with your neighbors. Click here to learn more!